Currie asks City for more support of Civilian Police Oversight Board

September 2, 2020 General

The issue of who’s policing the police was the subject of a special online workshop in Fort Lauderdale, FL.  City commissioners in Fort Lauderdale met with members of the Citizen Police Review Board.

“Please consider us a resource to improve our community,” said Christina Currie, the board’s chair.  Currie told commissioners that she wants the citizen police review board to be able to review a broader scope of complaints, including less serious complaints, to have the opportunity to give a recommendation before some issues become severe.

“The more information that the board sees, the more we learn, the more feedback we can provide,” she argued. “Then, we’re not just seeing things that fall in the terms of ‘the most serious.’ We’re seeing the things that are less serious. And then once something comes to us maybe we notice, ‘Hey there’s this big issue here, and let’s fix it.'”

Fort Lauderdale attorney Greg Lauer represented the families of Herring, Priester, and Scott Burrell in lawsuits against Armor.

July 31, 2020 General

Burrell had bipolar disorder and died after he was found in his jail cell curled into the fetal position, covered in urine, feces and vomit. Priester and Herring were mentally ill and starved to death in the jail. Priester’s case settled in 2015. Lawsuits for Burrell and Herring settled in May. All were resolved for confidential amounts. Read more